About Us

All About The Winchelsea Star

The original Winchelsea Star header
(the original Winchelsea Star header)

Can You Help?

We are always open to new volunteers who can help with the running and organisation of The Star. There are all sorts of roles, too - join the Committee to assist in the management of the organisation, or join as a snoop to sniff out stories, or create advertising graphics, or distribute the printed editions, or take on a photographer role..

We'd love to have you aboard!


The National Library of Australia hold past copies. Click the button below, then click the big green "Browse this collection" button to see prior editions.

Volunteer Committee

The Winchelsea Star was founded in 1977 by a group of Winchelsea and district residents wishing to provide the community with news, information and communications of a local nature. The Star has always been a volunteer-driven publication, and is a registered non-profit Incorporated Association.

The Star is directed and controlled by a Committee of Management, made of nine members. Official positions are;

  • President
  • Vice President
  • Treasurer
  • Secretary

Each year at the Annual General Meeting (usually held in May), the nine members of the Committee are elected - all nominations are accepted if there are nine or less nominations, for 10 or more an election determines the most popular nine. This Committee then internally chooses the office bearers.

Weekly Production

In terms of actually producing each edition, the following roles are allocated by the Committee;

  • Editor(s)
  • Sub-editor(s)
  • Advertising manager(s)
  • Production manager(s) (aka Compositor)
  • Proof-reader
  • Printer
  • Distributor(s)

Each of these roles may be shared between more than one person - ideally, all jobs are shared in order to spread the workload and cater for holidays, sickness etc. All roles are voluntary with the exception of Production and Printer which are sub-contracted.

The Winchelsea Star is compiled on a Sunday evening and Monday morning, sent for printing Monday afternoon, and distributed to outlets on Tuesday. The Star is therefore generally available for purchase Tuesday afternoon onwards from local shops.

The Winchelsea Star is also emailed to digital subscribers in full colour and in 2 formats - as a virtual magazine to read online, or as a PDF which can be downloaded. Digital subscribers receive each edition's email usually late Monday afternoon.

No Reporters

It is important to note that The Star has no reporters. Articles, news, information and events are encouraged and expected to be supplied by the community at large. Some, such as the Senior Citizens, supply an article every week.  While normal editorial standards apply, The Star would love to hear from you - write about anything you think the Winchelsea community would like!

You can help by encouraging other people to send in items for publication too. The Star is a community newspaper, by the community, for the community, and community participation and involvement are key to its ongoing success.


PO Box 5, Winchelsea,
VIC 3241, Australia