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Local Newsfor WinchelseaWhat's Onaround WinchelseaLocal Businessesbased in Winchelsea...YOUR Winchelsea

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"Buy Local" is a strong movement, and the Winchelsea community is well and truly behind it. Promote your goods and services to the Winchelsea region, let the locals know you're here and available.

Write for The Star

As a volunteer-powered organisation, The Star has no reporters. Which makes YOU the reporters! Send in your articles, news, what's on and events, opinion... anything of interest to the locals. (T&Cs apply of course!).

Barwon Park Mansion entrance
for locals, by locals

The Winchelsea Star

The Winchelsea Star is a volunteer-run newspaper service, published and produced in Winchelsea by the Winchelsea Star Organisation Inc, a non-profit association. It is produced and distributed at the start of each week except for a short break over Christmas/New Year.

Submissions for publication are very welcome from any individual, group or organisation. Articles must carry the name and address of the sender to quality for publication, although these can be withheld on request. The Winchelsea Star editorial team reserves the right to publish or not publish an article submitted, and also reserves the right to edit articles as they see fit eg. for length, grammar and/or spelling. Note that all photos and articles submitted may be republished on the internet or other media, and all submissions are assumed to have copyright approval for publication.


Deadline for submissions is 5pm Friday for publication in the following edition of the Winchelsea Star. The views expressed in the newspaper are not necessarily those of the Winchelsea Star editorial team.

Advertisers Welcome - The Winchelsea Star offers a diverse readership covering rural (farming), family (town), small business, and other demographics. Our rates are very low, and options include casual one-off/occasional ads on a pay-as-you-go basis or ongoing ads charged per quarter. Find out more about Winchelsea Star advertising

The Winchelsea Star square logo in white

Subscribe Now FREE - and help us grow

The Winchelsea Star is currently offering FREE digital subscriptions as we all work through the Covid19 mess. We expect to keep online edition free until the end of 2020.

Subscribing is quick and easy - click the Subscribe button to get started.

You can help us and our local-business advertisers by spreading the word - you can post about this website to your Facebook friends, you can forward the weekly latest-edition email to people you know.

Contact The Star


News and articles

The Editor


Treasurer (billing & invoices)

President / Chairperson

Website / Technical stuff



Winchelsea Star Organisation Inc.
Po Box 5,
VIC 3241


Emails are our preferred way to communicate, but if you'd like to call, please phone the Editor or Advertising team using the numbers below and leave us a message, and we'll get back to you when we can. Note that these are voicemail only. Please remember to leave your phone number and/or email address - and don't forget, we're volunteers so it may be a day or two before we contact you.

Advertising: 03 5273 0294

Editor: 03 5273 0295


Weekly deadline is 5pm Friday.

Copy for sports results and weekend
events is Sunday 6pm (4pm for
hard-copy articles/results left at IGA)
unless by prior arrangement.

Copy should be emailed to
or left at IGA Supermarket.

The Winchelsea Star reserves the right to
edit or not publish any article.

Views expressed are not necessarily those
of the Winchelsea Star or its Committee.

The Winchelsea Star square logo

Reg. No. A0053999F
ABN: 75 941 529 279

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Contact Us

Your form submission will be sent to The Star by email. Please bear in mind this is a volunteer role, you are unlikely to receive an immediate response - allow a couple of days before following up. You should receive a copy of your form submission to the email address you provided.